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The Rise of Shakti:
An Introduction to  Tantra

  • The Revolutionary Offerings of Tantric Śaivism
  • Tantra- the ‘Path of Mantras’ (Mantra-Mārga)
  • The Core lineages of Tantrik Shaivism (ca. 400-800 AD)
  • Shiva-Shakti: the Cosmic Vinyāsa of Universal Pulsation (Spanda)
  • The Descent of Shakti: A Story of How the Divine Became Human


‘Domain of the Soul’

The Subtle Body Microcosm of early Tantra

  • Jīvaloka: An introduction to the ‘Domain of the Soul’
  • The subtle body map for Yoga Vinyāsa
  • ‘Prāṇa Flow’ (prāṇasāra) in the Tantras
    Engaging the Microcosm of the Subtle Body
  • The Role of Chakras in the elemental subtle body microcosm
  • The forgotten role of seed (bīja) mantras in Tantric Yoga Vinyāsa


Origins of Hatha Yoga:
The Daily Yoga Ritual of Tantric Shaivism

  • The Yoga Vinyāsa of Tantric Initiation (dīkṣā)
  • The Vinyāsa of Daily Tantric Yoga (Nitya Pūjā)
  • The Origins of Kuṇḍalinī Shakti and Her pivotal role in daily Yoga practice
  • Ucchāra: The Sonic ‘Ascent’ of Kuṇḍaliṇī – the Core Practice of Tantric Vinyāsa



The Krama Lineage:
Embodied Liberation in the Radical Yoga of Kashmir

  • The Matriarchal ‘Krama’ Lineage of Kashmir
  • Embracing the Senses: Sudden Awakening through the innovative Yoga practices of the Krama lineage
  • The Cryptic, Life affirming practices of the Vijñāna Bhairava Tantra
  • Upāya:  The Four ‘Means’ to Embodied Liberation of Abhinavagupta, the most celebrated Tantric Master in history

Tantric Songs of Enlightenment:
The Shaiva Bhakti Revolution

  • The heart of Tantric Bhakti Sādhana in Kashmir Shaivism
  • The Bliss of the divine embodied: Utpaladeva’s ‘Garland of Songs to Shiva’
  • Tantric Hymns of Enlightenment: the Ecstatic Poetry of the Krama Lineage


The Tantric Roots of Postural Yoga Vinyāsa

  • Early Origins of Postural Vinyāsa: the 50 alphabet poses Shiva Gangaikonda Cholapuram copy 2(5th century A.D.)
  • The integrity of  Mudrās and their role in Tantric Yoga
  • The alchemy of Yoga Vinyāsa and Sacred Dance in Tantric Shaivism
  • Case Study:  Evidence for postural vinyāsa in the Tantric  ‘Gathering of Heroes’ Ceremony (10th century A.D.)



All live calls are on Wednesdays at 6 pm Pacific / 9 pm Eastern

PART III : 4th to 14th centuries A.D.


A Radical Innovation

“I shall tell you in brief: When you embrace your breath, you have engaged the subtle body domain of the Self (jīvaloka); there, you embrace nothing other than your own soul.”

 -Kalottara Tantra, ca. 7th century

“The immediate joy felt as the vital breath begins its ascent (ucchāra) up the central channel, is soon experienced as a surging forth of extraordinary bliss, triggered by the passionate embrace of the arising mantra as the Goddess who comprises one’s vital Self.” 

-Shrī Kshemarāja, commentary to Svacchanda Tantra VII.133.

‘‘Cessation of the anxious mind, according to the old teaching, occurs through practicing aversion to life. This is what we teach: that there can be cessation from anxiety and suffering without aversion to life.” 

-Vira Natha, from his ‘Blossoms of One’s Own Awakening’

Sense Withdrawal from the world, and other yoga practices do not bring one closer. The specialty of our great path is that, even while in the mentally anxious state, yogīs are united with you in bliss as they receive your devotion!”

– Utpaladeva, from his ‘Garland of Songs to Shiva’

““The rays of their awareness shine forth with great intensity, vibrant, blissful, they dance, laugh out loud, and leap about, eager to play…”

- Excerpt from the  ‘Gathering of Heroes’ Ceremony (10th century)

MARCH 4th – APRIL 8th







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